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In our previous blog we explored 7 things to quit doing in the New Year to hear God. Today we will look at two things we often do daily that shrink our brain based on CS Lewis’s 3rd thing to quit doing:

  • Criticizing yourself and others
  • Judging yourself and others

Have you ever noticed that you feel exhausted after listening to someone judge and criticize others? Or perhaps you go the other way and feel a self-righteous spirit of power over others when you judge and criticize others? Take a moment and tune into what you feel in your body when you judge and criticize yourself.

Brain science shows that whenever we are complaining which often includes judgement and criticism of self-and/or another person we shrink a part of our brain and become less intelligent. Yup, that’s right. Remember this the next time you feel the urge to partake in these two below the line thought serpents…they will eat you alive if you are not careful and rob you of the joy, peace and love that God desires for you to live within.

We judge and criticize from our own inadequacies. Remember, I see as I am, not as you are. When I am feeling insecure and inadequate, I see you through that filter (lens). God calls us to himself; He knows that we toss ourselves into two buckets when we are judging and criticizing: I’m not enough and lack of safety. 

Try this out. The next time you feel the urge to judge another person pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself: Where am I feeling insecure? Where do I feel unsafe? As we forget that we are here on earth for God’s purposes, created in His image for good works He has prepared in advance for us to do, (Ephesians 2:10) we render ourselves vulnerable to comparisons, judgements and criticism of self and others. Insecurity is placing your sense of security in anything but God. 

When I see myself as the handiwork of God (Ephesians 2:10), I can then see you as the handiwork of God. When I judge and criticize myself, I do the same to you. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-3, the measure you judge others, you will be judged. Meaning: I judge you as I’m judging me. God will judge me, as I judge you. Perhaps this is why Jesus continually calls us back to loving each other as He has loved us and as we do this, we let the world know that we are following Him. (John 13:35). In order to live out making God recognizable, we must remember a few things: God is just, God is loving, God is forgiving. When we accept these truths about God, we can do what Paul invites us to do in Romans 12:9-21:

  • Live in harmony with one another
  • Don’t be proud
  • Be willing to associate with people of low position
  • Do not repay evil for evil
  • Live in peace with everyone
  • Do not take revenge…leave room for God’s wrath: “It is mine to avenge, I will repay; If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink”
  • Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with GOOD.

As you place your security in God alone and allow His love, mercy and kindness to fuel your sense of identity, there no room for judgment and criticism because you know that God’s got your back. You can spend all your energy on loving yourself and others as God loves you and you will be free.

As many people have declared throughout history, “Hating another (judging and criticizing) is like drinking poison hoping the other person dies.”  


Listen to the Edge God In Podcast: Launch into God: 3rd Thing to Quit with CS Lewis

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what is for you to help you quit judging and criticizing so you can hear his voice with greater clarity.

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