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One of the greatest promises in the Bible is that as Jesus’ disciples we are never alone. Before Jesus’ ascension, as He commissioned His disciples, Jesus promised His abiding presence would be with them always. His commitment to us as His disciples is unconditional, unending, and empowering. Through Him we have entered into the reality of eternal life, which is found in intimate relationship with the Father and Son through the Spirit. What has Jesus given you to do today? How does His promise that you are never alone strengthen and encourage you?

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.—Matthew 28:20

Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for assuring us that Your presence goes with us as we lead in Your name. At home, at church, at work, or in the community, remind us that You are with us. Use this truth to shape our leadership perspective and interactions with others today. In Your name we pray, amen.

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