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25 Years of Lead Like Jesus

25th anniversary

We are celebrating 25 years of bringing “Leaders to Jesus and Jesus to Leaders”

Lead Like Jesus IS a discipleship ministry–helping followers become disciples. We inspire, equip, and coach leaders in the marketplace, church, schools, governments, and family to obey God and express His love.

Jesus recognized that through leaders, the poor will be cared for, the vulnerable will be protected, the young will be educated, nations will be governed, the Gospel will be advanced and Lives Will be Changed Forever for the Glory of God.

For 25 years, God has used LLJ to make a global impact!

  • Hundreds of thousands of Lead Like Jesus books distributed worldwide.
  • More than 27,000 subscribe to the Lead Like Jesus Devotional.
  • Lead Like Jesus Podcast downloaded in eighty-six countries.
  • Over fifty thousand leaders, from twenty-five countries trained and equipped by LLJ.
  • Dozens of global impact ministries have integrated LLJ into their leadership development curriculum.

Lead Like Jesus Through the Years

Celebration Events

We will have several celebration events around the US during the year. Information will be posted here as it becomes available. If you have any questions or want additional information, please email

Houston, TX – July 16, 2024

Dallas, TX – July 18, 2024

Nashville, TN – August 27, 2024

San Diego, CA – October 19, 2024 (sponsorship opportunities available – click here for information)

Lead Like Jesus works 100 percent of the time, 100 percent of the time.

Doug Mazza – Former CEO, Joni & Friends

Has Lead Like Jesus impacted your life?

We would love to hear your story!

Give a Silver Anniversary Gift

Your Silver Anniversary donation will ensure that managers and teachers, pastors and business leaders, college students and parents are equipped and prepared to align their Heart, Head, Hands, and Habits to Jesus as they lead.