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So much to do, so little time. Each evening some of us lay our heads on our pillow and attempt to sleep guilt-free as we leave an unfinished to-do list. No wonder why we have insomnia. And in the morning, we wake up feeling exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed to face the morning. We dread the fact that we have to stuff to do from yesterday, even last week. We have no peace.

It is most difficult to live from a place of resting in God. Rest must be a big deal to God, after spending six days creating the world, he rested. He wants us to do the same in observing the sabbath; a literal day we can rest from the demands of daily living. But to live from a place of resting in Him takes mental and spiritual discipline.

We can live in a peaceful place of union in the middle of stress by re-centering ourselves in Him. The way it works is as soon as we realize we have walked away from our place of peace (some people call it their happy place), we think, “How could I have strayed?” We all need a reality check. As soon as we see we are lost in the wilderness, we don’t walk, we run back to the Lord. ”The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.” Prov. 18:10. When we return to the presence of the Lord, we call on His name. This helps us reconnect with Him and we feel safe.

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith says Rest should equal restoration in seven key areas of your life:

#1 Physical rest

The first type of rest we need is physical rest, which can be passive or active. Passive physical rest includes sleeping and napping, while active physical rest means restorative activities such as yoga, stretching and massage therapy that help improve the body’s circulation and flexibility.

#2 Mental rest

The second type of rest is mental rest. Do you know that coworker who starts work every day with a huge cup of coffee? He’s often irritable and forgetful, and he has a difficult time concentrating on his work. When he lies down at night to sleep, he frequently struggles to turn off his brain as conversations from the day fill his thoughts. And despite sleeping seven to eight hours, he wakes up feeling as if he never went to bed. He has a mental rest deficit.

#3 Sensory rest

The third type of rest we need is sensory rest. Bright lights, computer screens, background noise and multiple conversations — whether they’re in an office or on Zoom calls — can cause our senses to feel overwhelmed. This can be countered by doing something as simple as closing your eyes for a minute in the middle of the day, as well as by intentionally unplugging from electronics at the end of every day. Intentional moments of sensory deprivation can begin to undo the damage inflicted by the over-stimulating world.

#4 Creative rest

The fourth type of rest is creative rest. This type of rest is especially important for anyone who must solve problems or brainstorm new ideas. Creative rest reawakens the awe and wonder inside each of us. Do you recall the first time you saw the Grand Canyon, the ocean or a waterfall? Allowing yourself to take in the beauty of the outdoors — even if it’s at a local park or in your backyard — provides you with creative rest.

But creative rest isn’t simply about appreciating nature; it also includes enjoying the arts. Turn your workspace into a place of inspiration by displaying images of places you love and works of art that speak to you. You can’t spend 40 hours a week staring at blank or jumbled surroundings and expect to feel passionate about anything, much less come up with innovative ideas.

#5 Emotional rest

Now let’s take a look at another individual — the friend whom everyone thinks is the nicest person they’ve ever met. It’s the person everyone depends on, the one you’d call if you needed a favor because even if they don’t want to do it, you know they’ll give you a reluctant “yes” rather than a truthful “no”. But when this person is alone, they feel unappreciated and like others are taking advantage of them.

This person requires emotional rest, which means having the time and space to freely express your feelings and cut back on people pleasing. Emotional rest also requires the courage to be authentic. An emotionally rested person can answer the question “How are you today?” with a truthful “I’m not okay” — and then go on to share some hard things that otherwise go unsaid.

#6 Social rest

If you’re in need of emotional rest, you probably have a social rest deficit too. This occurs when we fail to differentiate between those relationships that revive us from those relationships that exhaust us. To experience more social rest, surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Even if your interactions have to occur virtually, you can choose to engage more fully in them by turning on your camera and focusing on who you’re speaking to.

#7 Spiritual rest

The final type of rest is spiritual rest, which is the ability to connect beyond the physical and mental and feel a deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance and purpose. To receive this, engage in something greater than yourself and add prayer, meditation or community involvement to your daily routine. As you can see, sleep alone can’t restore us to the point we feel rested. So it’s time for us to begin focusing on getting the right type of rest we need. From the blog at

It’s hard to form a new habit, but the effort is worth it. The more we return to Him, our resting place, the more peaceful and joyful our life will be. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to return to rest in you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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