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Every Creation of God always comes to a point where they seek something to eat to survive, hence the competition even in the animal world. Food is essential for the building of the body. It nourishes, sustains or supplies what the body needs to grow and to be strong. No man on earth can live without food. In my elementary days in school, we were taught that the basic needs of man are: Air, Water, Food, Clothing and Shelter.

Jesus, our greatest teacher and role model of all time, who in His days on Earth was full of compassion and mercy in dealing with humanity and her weakness. In one of His missionary endeavors He took his disciples to a solitary place, more like a desert so that they may rest from the day’s work. The rest was not fulfilled that moment as the multitude ran ahead of them because they love the teachings of Christ Jesus as seen below;

When the day was far spent, His disciples came to Him and said, “This is a deserted place, and already the hour is late. Send them away, that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread; for they have nothing to eat. “But He answered and said to them, “You give them something to eat.” So, they all ate and were filled.

Mark 6:35-37, 42 (NKJV).

He wouldn’t send them away hungry, He always had a way out of any life challenges, but in the first places He would always throw the challenge to His disciples because He is a leader who would not want to do all the tasks alone, so He said, “You give them something to eat” despite their previous statement in verse 36 “for they have nothing to eat.

God will always equip us to carry any task that He asks us to do, for every man who follows the example of Jesus, there is something in that individual which could be of great benefit to the ‘hungry world.

The world is hungry for the truth, hungry for love, hungry for healing, hungry for peace and acceptance. Many are living in frustration and emptiness. There is a void in their hearts that only Jesus could fill, so He says to us, “Give them something to eat.” Nothing is too small a food for a hungry man; Nothing is too little a water for a thirsty man. Let no man say that I have nothing to offer.

Begin with that little idea, those few Scriptures, words of advice, a token of love, a little financial support, and you will see that many will be fed and find hope again. You have something to offer in your school, your workplace, your cell group, your church, business field, sports club, organisation and wherever you find yourself. You were kept there for a reason, in a time like this. (Esther 4:14)

Many will be saved from brokenness, thoughts of suicide and pressures when you can offer your “five loves of bread and two fishes” as the young boy did which became the miracle food that fed five thousand people.

Finally, nothing is too small to save a dying man, we have a dying world because many have not discovered the miracle in their “five loaves of bread and two fishes.” We are made for more, to feed more, to save more and to give life to much more. There is something cooking in you that could feed the world. As a lead like Jesus leader, “You give them something to eat.”

Our 6-Week Lead Like Jesus Revisited Study Guide will help you lead like Jesus as you give them something to eat. 

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