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How much does your relationship with God shape your life? Saying yes to God and yielding to Him as our ultimate authority is the defining ‘yes’ that overshadows and permeates every aspect of life. Jesus’ ‘yes’ to God led Him to say yes to God’s will, even as it led Him to say no to Satan and the things of this world. Like Jesus, our ‘yes’ to God supersedes all other requests or demands. Leading like Jesus means that we yield like Jesus, saying ‘yes’ to the One who loves us more than life itself.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.—Romans 12:1

Prayer: God, let our lives be shaped by saying yes to You, so leading us to fulfill the law of love, as we love You first and love others in Jesus’ name. In His name we pray, amen.

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