To need to be forgiven is to be human. To forgive is an act of love. Instead of pretending that our need for forgiveness didn’t exist, Jesus took it on Himself to intercede with the Father on our behalf. He offered Himself in our place, so that we could freely experience forgiveness and freedom from guilt. Who do you need to forgive today?
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.—Matthew 6:12
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for forgiving me! Help me to pass on this gift of grace to others, freely giving them the forgiveness You have poured out on me. You stressed forgiveness time and again, living a life of ongoing forgiveness of others. I am a recipient and beneficiary of Your choice to forgive. May I forgive others as freely as You have forgiven me. Help me to love and forgive like You today, I ask in Your name. Amen.