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Life has a lot to offer us.

It is not what life offers you that matters but what you make out of the offer.

This is the picture of a local hen that marched out with its chicks in search of daily food in a joyful mode only to return, not having all her chicks with her, probably because the eagle made prey of some of them. Despite all the research and predictions of science, it has not completely put the world in a safe place, as there are still unforeseen circumstances that could happen as we see in several nations.

There are different definitions of the word “Life.” Every man has been able to define it from their life-long experiences. They may be right but not right on all sides, because life is multifaceted. An employee goes to work for the day, with many plans on his to-do list, but may be faced with something unexpected, such as: being engaged in an argument with a client or another employee, which could affect his job; his car broke down on his way to the office and many more. It touches all areas of life and this helps to build you into a more responsible and mature person. Just as John Huston Finley puts it “Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty.”

When you are faced with such, it could breed anxiety, fear of the future, or thoughts of impossibility, which has a way of crippling one’s dreams and goals.

Learning to lead like Jesus introduces you to His heart posture and way of thinking. His nature helps you accept yourself either in the novice stage or at the stage of a journeyman. Jesus came to this earth with a goal which was to save mankind from condemnation. He was God as Man which shows that He had all the attributes of man. A season came in His life when He was clouded with what may come after. He knelt down to His father in Heaven and prayed, committing Himself to God; having this assurance that He will not be disadvantaged at doing God’s will. Today we are all beneficiaries of His total submission to the will of God.

“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplication, with vehement cries and tears to him who was able to save him, and he was heard because of his godly fear” – Hebrews 5:7

There are many attributes of Christ that we could emulate in these trying times such as:

  1. Faith in God
  2. Persistent Prayer
  3. Submission to God
  4. Fellowship with God and the people of like minds
  5. Courage
  6. Giving oneself to the word of God

“We need to practice acting in spite of fear, in spite of doubt, in spite of worry, in spite of uncertainty, in spite of inconvenience, in spite of discomfort, and even to practice acting when we’re not in the mood to act.” T. Harv Eker

The Psalmist came to a crucial point in his life but confessed saying,

“When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; This I know, because God is for me”. – Psalm 56:9 (Emphasis Added)

This question is “WHAT DO YOU KNOW?”

One of the ways to handle uncertainties and anxiety is to begin with what you know, just like a student faced with questions in an exam, begins with what he knows.

There was never any great man or woman who knew the process to greatness. They only took the risk and kept moving with what is known, as they patiently and gradually demystified the unknown.

Certainty brings confidence. Following the pattern of Jesus brings us to a place of ease, knowing that your times are in God’s hand and that he has a great plan for you.

The poor leadership in several nations of the earth has left many in a state of oblivion as one may not know what comes after. But the leadership of Jesus was never under duress but guided with God’s kingdom principle which brings great success.

Abraham the Patriarch, in his days, obeyed God despite taking the most uncertain decision of his life; leaving his country, his people and his father’s house was never frustrated in the long run because he trusted God.

In conclusion, hang your hope in God, there are many uncertainties in life but looking unto Jesus, brings us to a place of rest and peace because He is our certainty. Lest we forget, He is ‘the Life’ (John 14:6). This calls for joy because there is nothing to fear in having Him as our life, for in Him we live, breathe and have our being.

Learn more about leading like Jesus in Lead Like Jesus Revisited. 

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