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What has top priority for you as a leader? Many things might come to mind. With the weight of the world on His shoulders, Jesus’ life and practice reminds us how important it is for leaders to take time for reflection. He built time into His life to pray through challenges and decisions, and to pray for others. Like Him, we need time to read, meditate on, and pray over Scripture. What does God want to say to you if you will make time to listen?

One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.—Luke 6:12

Prayer: Jesus, just as You revealed the priority of living into Your relationship with the Father, increase our desire and commitment to doing the same. Let us so long for knowing and being known by God, for being shaped by our relationship with Him, that we seek Him with our whole hearts. In Your name we pray, amen.

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