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Peter’s restoration as a disciple occurred first privately. Isn’t that just like Jesus? His humility and love led Him to seek out and restore His lost and hurting disciple. His love and humility work the same way today. He seeks us in the private places of our hearts, coming to find us when pride and fear have destroyed our fellowship with Him and our ability to lead in His name. Jesus, the resurrected Lord, seeks you today. Where will He find you?

He was seen by Peter and then by the Twelve.—1 Corinthians 15:5 NLT

Prayer: Jesus, we need You more than anything. We need to see You, to spend time with You, to hear You speak to us in the private places of our lives. Meet us where pride and fear lurk. Expose them for what they are. We want to know You, and to look, live, and lead like You. Restore us in love and humility, as we pray in Your name, amen.

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