When the world presses in, responsibilities loom, and it feels hard to take another step forward, where do we find our hope and strength? The writers of Scripture call us to look to the Lord. He is our hope. He is our strength, our confidence, our joy. Moses, like Jesus, knew the burdens of leadership, and called out to God for help. The circumstances around us may weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, but the Lord offers to carry our burdens for us. He asks us to turn to Him, allow Him to take the things that weigh us down, and in their place receive His mercy and grace and help as we move forward in Jesus’ name.
The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”—Exodus 33:14
Prayer: Lord, lift our eyes to heaven. Speak these words of assurance to weary souls. Though our burdens may be heavy, we trust You to be faithful. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.