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The world longs for a vision of hope and peace. As it was in Jesus’ day, so it is now. The source of hope and peace is the same now as it was then. Jesus is the light of the world, the One whose coming was foretold, the One who brought healing, reconciliation, and life to all who would listen. What do you see when you look at the world? Who do you see who needs God’s healing, restoration, and reconciliation with God and others?

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.—John 1:4, 5

Prayer:  Jesus, our world longs for healing, hope, and peace, for restoration, reconciliation, and life. Broken people search for hope. You are the hope of the world. Shine through us, through lives and service given in Your name. Draw us to those who are longing for the hope You bring, we pray, amen.

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