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How are you praying for others? Jesus prayed for His disciples, the crowds who came to hear Him and see His miracles, and for those who would be impacted by the disciples’ ministry—that’s us! He told His disciples to pray in His name, asking the Father for whatever we need in order to extend the Kingdom. For who are you praying and what are you asking God to do? Don’t stop!

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you.—Colossians 1:9

Prayer: God, I come to You in Jesus’ name today, realizing that people don’t need more of me, they need more of You. I lift up the people in my life, those You have called me to serve in. Meet them where they are, make Yourself real to them, and work in ways that reveal Your power. Heal, forgive, restore, challenge, strengthen, soften, motivate, and encourage them. Use me as Your instrument, I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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