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What do our hearts long for? Success, prestige, power, security? How do we define success? Whose prestige do we long to increase? Whose power do we want to see displayed? Where does our security come from? In the face of an overwhelming enemy, Isaiah led the people to focus their longings on the hope that comes from God alone. Let the Lord shape the longings of your heart today.

Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.—Isaiah 33:2

Prayer: Lord, we place our lives, our hearts, our leadership in Your hands. Be gracious to us. Shape our hearts to long for You alone. May Your Spirit be our strength. May Your grace go before us and reveal Your salvation in the midst of our present challenges. We long for You to be exalted in and through our lives. This we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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