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God’s love knows no limits. His love far exceeds the greatest love this world can offer. Why then do we so easily chase after other ‘loves’? Have we not experienced the self-sacrificial, unconditional love of God? Have we not embraced His forgiveness and salvation? Do we not think He wants the best for us? Have we allowed ourselves to be misled by the world’s standards of love? Let the love of Jesus sweep through you today, saturating your heart and soul, your head and perspective. Then let it overflow through you into the lives of others.

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.—1 John 4:16

Prayer: Jesus, let us come to know Your love more fully. In this moment, let Your unconditional love soften our hearts with grace, forgiveness, and peace that quiets our anxious thoughts. We rely on Your love, O God, as we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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