What are you passionate about? Passion is important in life. Passion for the things of God motivates and inspires. Jesus was known for His passion, His zeal, for God’s reputation and God’s people. Yet passion alone can mislead, and unchecked, can tempt us to choose based on what feels good in the moment. Passion inspired by God will be grounded in and guided by God’s Word and God’s Spirit. Is your God-given passion flagging? Fan it into flame through prayer.
Desire without knowledge is not good— how much more will hasty feet miss the way!— Proverbs 19:2
Prayer: God, my passion for You can ebb and flow like the tide, deleted by the demands of life and servanthood, or fanned by success. Don’t let me put my trust in passion, but in You. Fan my passion and strengthen me to walk in Your way through Your Word, Your Spirit, and prayer. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.