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What personal cost do you experience in choosing to serve others and follow Jesus’ leadership mandate? Make no mistake about it, serving is costly. We lay down human desires in exchange for divine calling, methods, and goals. Jesus describes this as laying down our lives for Him, as taking up our cross, and following Him. If we do not initially experience the cost of His calling, we will. Yet in the exchange, we find life eternal, the very presence and power of God at work in and through us. Count the cost, yes, but trust that in following Jesus you will receive far more than you expect.

And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.—Luke 14:27

Prayer: Jesus, when we are weary and bent under the burden of leadership, remind us to look to You. Help us to choose Your way, even when the cost feels overwhelming. As we serve others, strengthen and encourage us through Your Spirit. We ask in Your name, amen.

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