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Some days come with unexpected possibilities, new opportunities to take stock of where we are and where we want to be. Sometimes the opportunities present themselves positively, filled with joy, excitement, and potential. Other times the opportunities come cloaked in sadness, confusion, or change. God is writing our stories as part of His larger story, positioning us where He needs us. His timing may catch us unexpectedly, but it is His timing, nevertheless. Where is He calling you to trust His timing today?

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.—Ecclesiastes   3:1

Prayer: God, our days, our times, are in Your hand. You are the author of history and the author of our stories. Weave us into what You are doing in the world, and help us to accept Your timing when it catches us unexpectedly. Shape our perspective according to the truth of who You are. We pray in the name of Jesus, who teaches us to trust You in everything, amen.

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