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Are you known for offering godly wisdom? Joseph’s good reputation was firmly based on God’s work in and through him, regardless of the challenge or circumstances he faced. Through the hardships of life, he learned to listen to God’s Spirit, to recognize His voice, and to faithfully give out God’s wisdom. How much time do you spend reflecting on life in light of who God is and what His Word teaches?

The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just.—Psalm 37:30

Prayer: Lord, wisdom comes from You, this I know, and You offer wisdom to those who desire it. I want to be a person of wisdom, who embraces Your perspective, and can help others understand Your wisdom. I know that everything You say is truth. Help me to listen for and recognize Your voice, to understand Your ways, and to pass on Your wisdom to others. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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