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“Thank you.” These two simple words flow from a humble heart. Humility acknowledges a need being met and honors the one who meets the need. Giving thanks flows from one person to another in heartfelt gratitude. What do you tend to be thankful for? Are you thankful for the everyday acts of kindness shown to you by others? What might taking time to say thank you to them mean in their lives? How is God being glorified in your life as you privately and publicly give Him thanks? What will you thank Him for today?

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.—Psalm 69:30

Prayer: God, I give You thanks today, for simple things like being able to read these words, for the air that fills my lungs with breath, for people with whom I live and work, for Your presence and power in my life. May my heart overflow with thankfulness, and my mouth with thanksgiving, to You and to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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