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What if you could no longer speak? What if you could no longer say the words “I love you, I appreciate you” to those you love and lead? How would you show them that they matter to you? Would you hug them more? Would you spend more time with them? Would you forgive more freely or smile more often? How can you come alongside others and communicate how much they mean to you and to God? What opportunities will you have today to share God’s grace, forgiveness, and encouragement, through your actions?

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.—1 John 3:18

Prayer: Lord, don’t let us miss the chance to put love into action today. As You came to the cross on our behalf, so let us offer ourselves in loving service on behalf of others, sharing both the joys and responsibilities of life. Help us to show love in tangible ways. We pray in Your name, amen.

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