1361 W Wade Hampton Blvd
Ste F-103
Greer, SC 29650
Toll-free: 800.383.6890
Phone: 864.712.0280
Meaningful feedback is a key ingredient to developing a flourishing culture based on trust.
Delivering and receiving feedback the right way, at the right time, and for the right reason will grow us as leaders, improve organizational culture, deepen relationships, build loyalty and even elevate productivity.
96% of employees say getting regular feedback is a good thing… yet 75% say they don’t receive feedback frequently enough to improve their work performance.
In this 60-minute webinar we’ll learn from Henry Ford’s Model-T story and discover simple yet powerful lessons about giving and receiving feedback that, if applied, will make us better leaders, parents, and coworkers.
BONUS 1: Attend the webinar and receive access to a 3-part Video Study on the Heart of Giving and Receiving Feedback.
BONUS 2: Downloadable handout with strategies for communicating with and giving feedback by understanding unique behavioral styles.
During the webinar you’llÂ
February 20th, 2024 11:00 AM -12:30