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We’ve all been in the position of needing to learn new tasks, so it seems that we would want to help beginners get off to a good start. Yet pride and fear can blind us to another person’s need, even causing us to feel threatened by the thought of sharing what we’ve learned with them. When our identity is firmly centered in Christ, our hearts are humbled by grace, we confidently trust Him to fulfill His purpose through us, and we are free to focus on helping others. Who is looking to you for guidance today? How can you help them?

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.—Mark 10:45

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for coming to serve us, for showing us what it looks like to pour ourselves into others so that they can grow in confidence and competence. Let us follow in Your footsteps today. We pray in Your name, amen.

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