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The call to be strong and courageous reverberates through Scripture. Moses’ words to Joshua, the Lord’s direct word to Joshua, the people’s call to Joshua, David to Solomon as he faced the task of building the temple. Jesus repeatedly called men and women to act on their trust in Him. New Testament writers call disciples to live as men and women whose lives have been radically changed by an encounter with the risen Christ. Where is God calling you to be strong and courageous today?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.—Ephesians 6:10

Prayer: Lord, when I am weary, when I struggle with fear, when the circumstances seem greater than I can handle, Your call—first, last, and always—is to be strong in You, and to trust in Your mighty power. Today, may my life demonstrate what only You can do. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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