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What’s at the top of your list? The top priority, most important goal, highest value, the one thing that matters above all else? Jesus taught and demonstrated that His most important priority was accomplishing the Father’s will, bringing God’s kingdom to life through His life. As a result of His singular focus, He was able to live life unencumbered by others’ expectations or by the cares of the world. What matters most to you?

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. —Matthew 6:33

Prayer: Father, rearrange my priorities, realign my vision, reshape my life in accordance with Your heart, Your vision, Your kingdom. Transform my perspective, even if You have to turn it upside-down. I want to live with a single focus, first and only living for You, trusting You to work out the details as You see fit. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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