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David’s success in his confrontation with Goliath brought him into the king’s presence. Once there, Saul immediately wanted to find out more about the young man who had accomplished so much for Israel. What opportunities come our way as a result of the success God gives us? How can we use those opportunities to honor others, especially God?

As soon as David returned from killing Goliath, Abner brought him to Saul with the Philistine’s head still in his hand. “Tell me about your father, young man,” Saul said. And David replied, “His name is Jesse, and we live in Bethlehem.”—1 Samuel 17:57-58 NLT

Prayer: God, orchestrate the events of my life so that today I will have opportunities to tell others about You, my spiritual father. Thank You for transforming me, for giving me honor through the abilities, faith, and courage You give me. Let me use my success to honor You. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

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