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As leaders, we know what it is to watch over people. As those who have been given responsibility to lead the way, we watch over organizational vision, values, and mission. At home, we watch over family members; at work, we watch over employees; at church, we watch over the family of God. Sometimes the load of responsibility feels overwhelming. Who watches over us? Repeatedly, Scripture assures us that it is the LORD Himself who watches over and cares for us. He knows everything about the load we carry, and He is always with us to guide and protect. Rest in His care today, knowing that He leads the way.

The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.—Psalm 121:5, 6

Prayer: LORD, we’re grateful that as we watch over others, You watch over us. Remind us of this when we feel overwhelmed. Lead us forward in Jesus’ name, amen.

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