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Do you tend to pray more when things are going well or when you find yourself up against challenges? If we find ourselves praying only when we’re at the end of our own strength and ingenuity, we are struggling with pride. Jesus’ life reveals that a fully qualified leader can also be humbly and fully dependent on God, seeking and following the Father, rather than leading in one’s own strength and abilities. How will you follow His example today?

Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.—Luke 5:15-16

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for leading the way in prayer. Whether You bring me crowd-gathering success or lonely stretches of challenges that require more than I seem capable of giving, remind me to humbly seek time with the Father to get His perspective and guidance. In Your name I pray today, Amen.


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